Mobile Locksmith Service
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It is safe to say that no one enjoys being locked out. Home and vehicle lockouts, in particular, are pretty distressing. This is especially true if you are rushing about your workday or trying to get from one errand to the next. There is nothing worse than coming home after a long day and discovering you are locked out of your home. To avoid these kinds of situations entirely, there are several things that you can do to make sure that lockouts do not put a damper on your day.
If you live with family members or roommates, communicating is one of the number one thing you can do to make sure no one is left locked out. Lockouts sometimes happen because there is a miscommunication about who is going to be at the house and when. Make sure everyone in your household is on the same page in terms of schedules, when the doors are kept locked, and other necessary information. If you are going to be late getting home from work or experience other sudden schedule changes, be sure to let your family members or roommates know. Inform those that you live with ahead of time where you are going to be and when. This will help give you a heads up if no one will be home when you arrive.
A lot of families choose to hide a key somewhere around their property to help in the event that someone is locked out. Having a key hidden somewhere on your property can spare you the heartache of not being able to get back into your home when you need to. If you are not comfortable placing a spare key under your mat or under a flower pot, for example, you can buy specially designed lawn ornaments and other inconspicuous decorations that can house a key in secret. A fake rock with a compartment for a key housed in it, for example, can be placed among other rocks, making it blend in. Buying one of these key concealers may be the best option if you plan to keep an extra key on your property for back-up in the event of a lockout.
Another option is to leave a spare key with a neighbor or trusted friend in your area. If you get locked out of your home, you can simply call someone to help you and bring you a spare key. Neighbors that are retired or at home during much of the day may be the best neighbors to rely on and trust with a spare key since they will be more likely to help if you are locked out. Talk to a neighbor you trust and see if having them hold an extra key for you is an option.
If you do not have anyone close to you in your neighborhood that you can leave a spare key with, you can always leave one with a family member that lives further away. Although it is not ideal, having a family member hold an extra key for you is better than no one holding one for you at all. You may have to call and wait for a given family member to come and let you back inside your home, but you will undoubtedly save money by using this method during a lockout situation.
Lockouts can be eliminated altogether by upgrading to keyless entry locks. Electronic lock models usually come with a keypad locking device, making keys unnecessary. A lot of families prefer keyless entry or smart locks of some sort due to the convenience of not having to worry about losing keys or making extra ones. If you are especially concerned about lockouts, you may want to look into upgrading your current home locks to keyless entry.
Other smart lock options can be operated using your smartphone. This sort of wireless and phone application connectivity can make coming to and from your home rather seamless. Since the majority of individuals have their smartphones near them 24-hours a day, it is much more practical to assume that one will always have their phone on them now, rather than always having their keys. With some models, your smartphone essentially replaces your house key. Through an app or other means on an external device, you can unlock or lock your doors.
Remember, if possible, you should always call a locksmith to help you with any kind of lockout problem. Unless you are experiencing an emergency, it is always best to call a locksmith and wait for them to arrive, rather than trying to force your way inside. Locksmiths know how to get back into vehicles and various properties while causing minimal damage to the lock itself and surrounding structures. Trust the expertise of a locksmith the next time you get locked out and you are sure to have your predicament solved in no time. Call a local locksmith in your area if you would like more tips on how to prevent lockouts, as well as other additional measures you can take to alleviate lockout emergencies in the future.